14 Oct 2013
By Belle

Tracking Street Harassment and Reps at the Gym: Quantified Self weekly links

1. Valerie Aurora on Tracking Street Harassment

Valerie Aurora on Tracking Street Harassment from Ernesto Ramirez on Vimeo.

In this talk, Valerie explains how she dealt with the shock of prolific street harassment when she moved to San Fransisco. By tracking the details of every incident, she managed to put herself in a position of power and remove the anxiety that came with leaving the house every day.

Valerie’s story is a really fascinating exploration of the side-effects of tracking every day experiences.

2. PUSH—A Fitness Tracker to Help You Lift More at the Gym

This new tracker is for those who want to get more insights into their gym routines: it tracks strength with a stack of metrics including power, balance, speed and force.

Based on your performance, the app might tell you to use a heavier load if you’re not showing signs of fatigue after several sets. Right now, PUSH can track 10 exercises — the ones Alhamad’s team felt were crucial — including squats, dead lifts, kettle bell lifts, pull ups, push ups and bench presses. - via Mashable

3. How to Make the Most of Your Fitness Tracking Gadget or App

Lifehacker took a look at ways to get more out of fitness tracking including getting your friends involved, choosing tools that work well together and sharing your data with experts.

When used in combination with the things that do work, and as part of a bigger plan to improve your health, they can be valuable. However, on their own and without any of the other pieces of the puzzle, you should be wary. Otherwise they’ll end up like that treadmill in the basement you’ve been meaning to dust off.

4. Connie Schultz—Why I’m Obsessed with My Activity Tracker

I love this short story Connie tells about why she loves her Fitbit One and how it has helped her to change her daily habits.

I am ridiculously attached to this Fitbit. It makes me do things. I park far away from store entrances. When the phone rings in the kitchen, I run upstairs to answer the extension. I take the dog for one last walk before calling it a night. Twice last week, I did this in my nightgown.

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