15 Apr 2014
By Belle

More on the Indiegogo scam saga and apps to help you sleep and exercise better

1. The Indiegogo Healbe saga continues

In last week's links roundup I mentioned James Robinson's research into bunkum Indiegogo campaigns for Quantified Self devices that aren't scientifically plausible. He started digging when he noticed that Healbe's Indiegogo campaign for the GoBe device was heading close to $1 million raised on the back of shaky claims. The device can supposedly automatically read your glucose levels and from that, determine your caloric intake.

I won't spoil the story for you. James continues to investigate, and he's done a nice overview here of the history of the company and the claims behind the GoBe.

2. How fitness monitors made me yearn for exactly the kind of smartwatch Apple is supposedly building

Rachel Feltman made some interesting points in this Quartz piece. After wearing several fitness trackers and not being impressed by any, Rachel found herself wishing they could connect to her phone like a smartwatch, and come in a smaller package with better battery life.

It’s not that I need a wearable computer. But if I’m going to wear one—and that’s basically what a FitBit is—why can’t I check my email on it too?

3. Owlet

Owlet smart sock

A smart sock to monitor your baby's heart rate, oxygen levels, skin temperature and sleep quality.

4. 90Night [Android]

A free Android app for choosing the perfect wake time or bedtime based on how many full 90-minute sleep cycles you'll get.

90night app

5. Tips for better sleep

A quick roundup of tips to get a better night's sleep, including wearing socks to bed, eating something small at night and recounting your morning.

6. Fitbit facing a class-action lawsuit

After the controversy around the Fitbit Force creating skin rashes and a voluntary recall from the company, Fitbit's now facing a class-action lawsuit over the issue.


Image credits: Lifehacker, Mommy's baby journal

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